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10 Easy Fixes for Common Makeup Mistakes

You might have applied a little heavy with your blush or lipstick? Instead of starting over, undo these with easy tips we collected for you.

1. Skipping the Skin Prep

Most of girls forget to prep for some reason. How do you fix it then? “Clean the skin with a gentle hydrating cleanser to remove all makeup and dirt. I also recommend exfoliating at least twice a week.”—Nina Soriano, professional makeup artist for Cargo Cosmetics.

2. Skipping moisturizer

Because for some, it’s a little sticky, heavy on the face. Solution: “Hydration ensures better foundation application and keeps your skin looking healthy and natural.”—Romy Soleimani, beauty director at large for

3. Choosing the wrong foundation shade

Fix it: “Test a color on your jawline first and blend the foundation through. If you can, check the result innatural light. If you’re still unsure, try it on your chest. If you can’t see any trace of color, you’ve found the right one!”—Nina Soriano, professional makeup artist for Cargo Cosmetics

4. Wearing too much foundation

“Wait until you have your eye makeup, brows, lips etc., done before you apply any foundation. This way, you use less.”—L’Oréal Paris consulting makeup artist, Billy B

5. Tone down cheek color

Sweep a clean, fluffy brush across your cheek, then wipe it on a towel to remove the excess, suggests Theresa Robison of Jane Iredale Mineral Cosmetics. Continue brushing and wiping until you get the right intensity.

For cream blushes, to water down the color, lightly smooth on a dab of lotion. Or, add a swipe of foundation or translucent powder on top.

6. Choosing the wrong lip liner

“Instead of matching your liner to your lipstick, use one that is the color of your lip. The result is a younger, modern and less made-up look.”—L’Oréal Paris consulting makeup artist, Billy B

7. Not setting eyeliner/ Fixing eyeliner smudges

Even if a liner is smudge-proof, most of the time, due to heat or oily skin, it does. Set the liner by applying eyeshadow of the same color over the pencil—it will last longer.”—L’Oréal Paris consulting makeup artist, Billy B.

Fix smudges -Run a cotton swab over eyeliner to soften the color, or dip it in makeup remover first to fix a wonky line, suggests Good Houskeeping‘s Beauty Director April Franzino. If this happens often, there are also cotton swabs that come pre-soaked in makeup remover for quick fixes..

8. Applying mascara with a simple swipe/Removing mishaps

Start from the outer corner of the eye at the root of the lash. Then gently push the mascara brush into the lashes, and in a slight zigzag motion, work your way to the tip of the lash. Continue this motion as you work your way from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner, making sure each lash has a decent coating. The bulk of the mascara should go at the root of the lash so your lashes look fuller and thicker.”—Nina Soriano, professional makeup artist for CargoCosmetics 

removing mishaps- If your lashes looks clumpy, put a small amount of moisturizer on your fingertip and pinch the offending clump. This will release the buildup.

9. Soften eye shadow color

By layering a lighter shade over it you can make harsh shadow much more palatable says Robison. Thankfully, a shimmery taupe neutralizes most colors. Or, simply brush your foundation on top of the bright shade to tone it down.

10. Removing heavy lipstick

If you’ve overloaded your lips with the wrong color, apply a clear or colored gloss or balm over it (or use petroleum jelly), then blot with a tissue. Repeat until you’ve removed the offending layers.

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